On The Telephone

On the telephone.
On the telephone.

A voice from the other end,
Sounds very distant, far away,
A voice I cannot comprehend,
Someone I have never heard before.

Perhaps they wish to sell aluminum siding,
Or services for my lawn.
Is there something they are hiding?
Is this a clever ruse?

The silence becoming hightened,
My paranoia grapples my mind,
The caller sounds almost frightened,
As she tells me with whom she would speak.

I answered no.
I answered no.

There's no one named Jimmy at this address.
There's no one named Jimmy at this address.
There's no one named Jimmy at this address.
There's no one named Jimmy at this address.

She is quick to action.
She apologizes briefly.
Soon the line is disengaged.
I am enraptured by wrong numbers.